速報APP / 遊戲 / Cute Rats

Cute Rats





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目17-3 渋谷アイビスビル9F

Cute Rats(圖1)-速報App

Hamster came to your room!

Or stroking the hamster, or given a new bait.

Lot Kawaigaru and us shows the new reaction!

And got sulky as soon as not to give so much Kama'

Become again!

New sense sister training simulation game!

"Patted Ham"


~ Game Description ~

Tap the hamster on the screen,

Cute Rats(圖2)-速報App

It is an application that will become friends with hamsters.

By and give the items that hamster rejoice, will raise the level

Or it can be Natsuka more quickly hamster,

Also us continue to raise the Natsuki degree while closing the app.

Giving more and more items, all the cute appearance of hamster let's! !


Trying to get help to friends ~ SNS! ~

Let's share your friends on Facebook and Twitter!

It is possible to get a special item that will help to become friends with hamsters!

And when that would be absolutely sulky,

Cute Rats(圖3)-速報App

If you want I would be proud his hamster to others,

Ready-to-post to Facebook and Twitter from the [Share] button at the bottom of the home right!


~ Recommend this game to such a person! ~

And training left the game favorite person

- I want to look at the cute hamster people

· SNS and people who are looking for a friend and Moriagareru story on Twitter

- People who want to enjoy the game a little free time


Special Thanks

Cute Rats(圖4)-速報App



Cute Rats(圖5)-速報App